Ishga tushirish bo'yicha qo'llanma/maslahatlar

1. Make sure BattlEye is disabled in the Rockstar Games Launcher settings. 2. Or Input the command -nobattleeye in 'commandline.txt' located in your game directory EPIC GAMES/STEAM etc.. 3. Start The Command Line Prompt as Administrator and simply enter sc delete BEService to remove BattleEye service completely. 4. Let the game load to the main menu. Do not load story or online mode. If auto-loading into story or online mode is enabled, disable it in the game settings. <----------------- After disabling auto-loading, restart the game 6. AFTER THE DLL IS INJECTED SELECT TO GO TO STORY MODE FIRST 7. Once you are in the story mode, open the YIM menu, select Network and join invite-only sessions.

Ushbu moddagi mashhur funksiyalar

Wallhack, ESP, WH - dushmanlarni devorlar orqali ajratib ko'rsatadi


Aimbot - nishonni avtomatik ravishda dushmanlarga o'rnatadi


Triggerbot - agar nishon dushmanning ustida bo'lsa, avtomatik otish

Konfiguratsiyalar va LUAlarni o'rnatish mumkinmi va ularni qayerga joylashtirish kerak?

Konfiguratsiyalarni o'rnatish yo'li: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\YimMenu. Modifikatsiya uchun oldindan tayyorlangan konfiguratsiyalar va lua skriptlarini o'rnatish uchun modifikatsiyaning ishga tushirish tugmasi yonida joylashgan shesternya tugmasini bosishingiz mumkin.

Yuklab olish CFG
YimMenu - GodMode, Noclip, Freecam hacked-client for GTA5 YimMenu - GodMode, Noclip, Freecam hacked-client for GTA5 YimMenu - GodMode, Noclip, Freecam hacked-client for GTA5