Ishga tushirish bo'yicha qo'llanma/maslahatlar

You can run the app without SoT running, but it's a good idea to restart the app after starting a new game. You can restart the app a bit faster by using "Debug->Restart app". If the game has been updated, enable the option "settings->Read offsets from memory". It might make the game slower but it should make the app run with any version of the game. You can update the offsets by using "File -> Update offsets from memory". If you have a dump of the game's SDK from Unreal Dumper you can also use Update Offsets from SDK path. Also, the app might require you to install .NET Runtime 7.0, just agree and install it with the website that was automatically opened!

Ushbu moddagi mashhur funksiyalar

Wallhack, ESP, WH - dushmanlarni devorlar orqali ajratib ko'rsatadi


Aimbot - nishonni avtomatik ravishda dushmanlarga o'rnatadi


Triggerbot - agar nishon dushmanning ustida bo'lsa, avtomatik otish


Bhop, bunnyhop - sakrash va avto-tomon yordamchisi


Spinbot - g'azab hvh o'yinlari uchun anti-nishonlar

Konfiguratsiyalar va LUAlarni o'rnatish mumkinmi va ularni qayerga joylashtirish kerak?

Konfiguratsiyalarni o'rnatish yo'li: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\SOTHelper. Modifikatsiya uchun oldindan tayyorlangan konfiguratsiyalar va lua skriptlarini o'rnatish uchun modifikatsiyaning ishga tushirish tugmasi yonida joylashgan shesternya tugmasini bosishingiz mumkin.

SOTHelper - Download free Sea of Thieves hack (ESP, Aimbot) SOTHelper - Download free Sea of Thieves hack (ESP, Aimbot) SOTHelper - Download free Sea of Thieves hack (ESP, Aimbot)