Ishga tushirish bo'yicha qo'llanma/maslahatlar

It's a neural network, which means it doesn't implement itself into the game in any way, but only analyses what's happening on the screen to control your mouse. The more powerful your video card is, the better it will work! P.S. Registration in the mod is completely free and is present in the menu of the mod with the Register button!!!!

Ushbu moddagi mashhur funksiyalar

Aimbot - nishonni avtomatik ravishda dushmanlarga o'rnatadi


Triggerbot - agar nishon dushmanning ustida bo'lsa, avtomatik otish

Konfiguratsiyalar va LUAlarni o'rnatish mumkinmi va ularni qayerga joylashtirish kerak?

Konfiguratsiyalarni o'rnatish yo'li: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\NAIM. Modifikatsiya uchun oldindan tayyorlangan konfiguratsiyalar va lua skriptlarini o'rnatish uchun modifikatsiyaning ishga tushirish tugmasi yonida joylashgan shesternya tugmasini bosishingiz mumkin.

NAIM Free - Free neural aim-assistant for CS2, Apex, GTA 5, Rust and other games NAIM Free - Free neural aim-assistant for CS2, Apex, GTA 5, Rust and other games NAIM Free - Free neural aim-assistant for CS2, Apex, GTA 5, Rust and other games