Ishga tushirish bo'yicha qo'llanma/maslahatlar

After the latest update YOU MUST DISABLE ITEM ESP IN SETTINGS, THIS LEADS TO A GAME CRASH! If you do not disable ITEM ESP feature, YOU GAME WILL CRASH! Until mod is updated, DO NOT USE THAT FEATURE!

Ushbu moddagi mashhur funksiyalar

Wallhack, ESP, WH - dushmanlarni devorlar orqali ajratib ko'rsatadi


Aimbot - nishonni avtomatik ravishda dushmanlarga o'rnatadi


Triggerbot - agar nishon dushmanning ustida bo'lsa, avtomatik otish


Bhop, bunnyhop - sakrash va avto-tomon yordamchisi


Spinbot - g'azab hvh o'yinlari uchun anti-nishonlar

Cyrix - Free cheat for SCP: Secret Laboratory (WH, AIM, BHOP) Cyrix - Free cheat for SCP: Secret Laboratory (WH, AIM, BHOP) Cyrix - Free cheat for SCP: Secret Laboratory (WH, AIM, BHOP)